Best Auto Loan - Tips for Avoiding an Upside Down Loan

By Carrie Reeder

If you are new to the car buying process, the likelihood of acquiring a bad auto loan is high. For this matter, car buyers must familiarize themselves with how the financing process works. A common problem that arises with buying a car is obtaining an upside down loan. This occurs when the amount owed on the vehicle is significantly higher than it's worth. Fortunately, there are techniques to avoid this sort of loan.

Purchase Vehicle with a Down Payment

Car values depreciate. This is inevitable. On the other hand, some vehicles are subjected to rapid depreciation, which means that the car buyer will always owe more than the vehicle's worth.

If planning on keeping a car until the loan is completely paid off, a rapid depreciation is little cause for concern. However, if you enjoy trading-in or buying a new vehicle every two to three years, you may acquire thousands of dollars in negative equity.

One tactic for combating rapid depreciation is purchasing the car with a down payment. Typical down payment amounts are about 10% of the vehicle's price. However, if you can afford a large down payment - perhaps 20% or more - this will help avoid an upside down loan.

Acquire Reasonable Loan Terms

The average length of a car loan is five years or 60 months. Nonetheless, some dealerships and finance companies will stretch out the loan for 72 or 84 months. A longer term means lower payments. However, it also equals more interests, and you will likely owe more on the vehicle than it's worth. If possible, limit loan terms to 60 months or less. For a list of reputable auto lenders see

Buy a Used Automobile

Even though new cars are more appealing and attractive, they lose their value very quickly. In fact, within the first two years, a new vehicle will depreciate by 40%. If the car was purchased without a down payment, and the interest rate on the loan is high, the chance of an upside down loan is great. If possible, choose a used automobile. Used cars also depreciate. However, they hold their value longer than a new car.

ABC Loan Guide also has a list of companies that provide Car Loan Financing or Free Credit Report Checks.

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